Saturday, 20 September 2014

Form FAQ's

1. How many types of Canvas are there in a form?
2. Can you have a form without a Canvas?
3. Does a stacked canvas require a content canvas?
4. What is a property class?
5. What is a Visual attribute? How can you set the visual attribute of an item?
6. How is a property class different from a visual attribute?
7. What are form triggers?
8. What is the difference between caLl form, new form and open form?
9. If there are two text items in a block, say text1 and text2. If the focus is on text2 and user moves the cursor to text1 by doing shift tab, then which triggers will fire? In what order?
10. What are Bind variables?]
11. What is a cursor?
12. What are the attributes of a cursor?
13. Which triggers are associated with a text item?
14. What is the structure of a PL/SQL block?
15. Explain what are stored procedures and functions.
16. Explain the types of Triggers in detail.
17. What is Call by Reference and Call by Value?

Some Questions on Forms 4.5
1.What are different components in form 4.5 designer ?
2.What is canvas ?
3.Is it possible to move an object from one form to another ?
4.What is block_menu ? Describe its usage.
5.Give usage of following runform options - array = value , block_menu = value , buffer_records,debug,debug_messages,help,interactive,keyin,keyout,logon_screen,optimizeSQL,optimizetp,options_screen,pecs, query_only, quiet,session, statistics, term, window_state
6.What runform option should be used if screen input is to be suppressed and output is to be sent to a file?
7.What is the usage of following forms generate options ? - add_triggers, batch, crt_file, debug, delete, extract, generate_on_upgrate, help, insert, logon, module_access, module_type, nofail, options_screen, output_file, parse, script, statistics, upgrade, upgrade_roles, version, widen_files
8.What is the usage of following forms designer options ? -  color mode,color palette, generate before run,module access, help, module_type,run asysnchronously,print,save before generate, suppress hints,term,use system editor
9.What is user preferences file ?
10.What are various types of  an item ?
11.What functions are used to display an lov programmatically ?
12.Differentiate between content & stacked canvases.
13.What are different type of items in forms 4.5 ? List atlas 5 types. E.g. Text_item
14.List down the file extensions used in forms 4.5 ? E.g. .fmb etc
15.How do you reuse an item across different form modules ?
16.How do you define public & private variables in forms 4.5 ?
17.Can you define a master-detail relationship between two blocks without a foreign key constraint at table level ?
18.How do you define a mandatory column in forms 4.5 ?
19.How can i check for a duplicate key in a block ?
20.What is a trigger ?
21.What are the levels at which triggers can be defined ?
22.Why triggers are used ?
23.What are various trigger groups ? Describe functionality of each group.
24.How you attach a form to menu?
25.How can you give parameters?
26.Can we have formula columns without return value?
27.What are visual attributes?
28.Can you change property class and visual attribute at run time?
29.What are the system variables, which can be modified by the user?
30.What can be the value of record status?
31.What is the difference between when_new_item_instance and pre_text_item?
32.How do i populate a poplist with a record group at runtime ?
33.If the first field of a form is required, and i want to tab out without entering any value, how do i do it ?
34.How do i call a backend stored procedure from forms ?
35.How do i handle stored procedure errors from forms ?
37.What is control block
38.What is default form
39.Here the questions like 'what are when-triggers used for ? Give examples for when-triggers'  can be asked.
40.Questions depending upon functionality of triggers
44.Block processing
45.Fires in response to record management in a block
46.When-create-record, when-clear-block
47.GUI events
48.Fires in response to event happening in form interface
49.When-button-pressed, when-timer-expired
51.Fires during master-detail processing
53.Message handling
54.Fires when an error occurs or message is needed
55.On-error,  on-message
57.Fires as oracle forms navigates internally through the object hierarchy
58.Fires at the end of a navigational sequence
59.Pre-block, pre-form, post-block,  post-form, when-new-block-instance
60.Query time
61.Fires just before and after an operator executes a query
62.Pre-query, post-query
63.Here questions like when 'block processing triggers' are fired or which are navigational triggers etc. Can be asked.
64.What is the difference between pre-text-item trigger and on-new-item-instance trigger
65.What are types of triggers ?
66.Which legal command can be used in user-defined triggers ?
67.What are restricted built-ins ? In which type of triggers are these disallowed ?
68.While passing parameters to user defined procedures, what is meant by positional parameter notation
69. What are the attributes which are given to a field
70.What is next_set ?
71.List down atlas 5 system variables. E.g. System.last_record etc
72.How can you assign current date, current time, current date and time to an item ?
73.What are valid values for system.mode ?
74.How can you display only most severe messages while running a form ? I.e. How message severity level can be set in a form
75.How can i suppress input of a text item ?
76.How can i add elements to a list item dynamically ?
77.How can i make the width or height of all items on a canvas uniform in forms designer
78.How can i align all items vertically on a canvas at the same time ?
79.What is locking_mode property for a block ? What are different values for it ?
80.How to attach lov to a text item programmatically ?
81.Can record group for a lov changed programmatically ?
82.What are various commit modes used in clear_block ?
83.If i am calling a report from forms & if the report query is 'select * from emp' and dynamically at runtime i want to change it to 'select * from dept' can i do it ? How ?
84.If we have same triggers at multiple levels i.e. Form, block & item then what is the default order of firing of the triggers ?
85.Which trigger gets fired first : when new form instance or when new item instance ?
86.What will cause the entire contents of a stacked canvas view to be visible ?
87.How can i change the title of my runform window ?
88.How does a display item differ from a normal text item ?
89.Why do a get a null entry in my poplists at startup ?
90.How can i dynamically prevent the user from entering a new record ?
91.How can i dynamically make an entire block query-only at runtime ?
92.How can i change the color and font of an item dynamically at runtime ?
93.How can i have an item which acts like a disabled item , but is not grayed out ?
94.What exactly does 'query hits' and 'query options' mean in  the context of a block ?
95.What is the difference between the block properties of array size and records buffered
96.What should i be using record groups for ?
97.When should i use globals vs parameters ?
98.How do i pass a record group from forms to reports or graphics ?
99.Can i access the contents of a record group within a user exit ?
100.If i want to create a procedure should i use a library, a database stored procedure or a local form procedure ?
101.How does the use of libraries affect the size of the .fmx file ?
102.How should i make a reference to a block in my library program units ?
103.How is SQL within PL/SQL dealt with by forms ?
104.How are the constants like insert_allowed and property_on dealt with by PL/SQL?
105.If a timer expires during a long running query when is it handled ?
106.If a repeat timer expires between a long query, does it repeat prior to being serviced by a when-timer-expired at the end of the query or does it wait for servicing before repeating ?
107.What is the difference between the following triggers :
108.Post-fetch vs. Post_query
109.Post-forms-commit vs. Post-database-commit
110.Pre-query vs. Pre-select
111.Is it possible to defer locking of a record until commit time ?
112.How can i get an image from a file to be stored in my database ?
113.Sometimes when i issue a call_form (.., No_hide) my first form is still hidden.  Why
114.How can i determine which user interface i am using at runtime ?
115.How are menu roles handled in forms 4.5 ?
116.How can i specify my menu items so that they assume up the appropriate position for the GUI ?
117.What is the cause of the message :
118.Frm-10249: no authorization to run application <name>
119.How do i upgrade application form which has referenced objects from library form   forma ?
120.If i have a format mask of dd/mm/yy and type in a date without the slashes, why does this no longer show the correct date ?
121.After upgrading from SQL*forms 3.0 to forms 4.5, why do some of my fields truncate data ?
122.What does the forms45_defaultfont parameter control ?
123.If i upgrade from SQL*forms 2.3 to forms 4.5, what becomes of my v2 style triggers
124.Is the host() command under forms synchronous or asynchronous on windows
125.What gets loaded into memory when you run a form under windows ?
126.Why am i having problems changing the color of a button under windows ?
127.Can forms 4.5 call dll's on ms windows ?
128.Can i improve performance with any motif settings ?
129.How can i disable the blinking cursor to reduce network traffic ?
130.How can i change the look and feel of buttons under motif ?
131.How can i change the font in the trigger text window ?
132.How can you call one form from another?
133.What is the difference between call form, open form and new form?
134.What is the usage of global variables?
135.What is the difference between key_nextitem and post_nextitem?
136.What is validate source?
137.What is populate group query? What it will return?
138.How do you call reports through form?
139.What is reference object?
140.Whether you can change the path of a library?
141.What is new_item_instance?
142.Can you use global variables in record group?
143.What is autoconfirm property of lov?
144.How the errors are shown in forms?
145.What is savepoint?
146.What are property classes?
Forms  2.3
1. What are the differences between SQL forms 2.3 , 3.0 & 4.5
2. What are the events with which triggers can be associated
3. What are user exits
4. What was the most complicated form that you worked on
5. What are the different levels in form
6. What are the triggers which are written at form level

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